Baby Xander is born!

Baby Xander

Baby Xander was born on Wednesday, November 19, 2008.  He is such a mellow adorable guy.  We visited Tobin, Melissa and Xander yesterday and today. I got to hold the little one!  Melissa looks absolutely great.  We watched the Office and talked about Twilight, while Ryan and Tobin played on the computer.  They spent most of their time laughing at crazy you-tube videos.  Whoever thought of you-tube is a genius.  Tobin and Melissa said Grandma Yvonne came to see them yesterday and keeps calling Xander, "Sanders".  She said the other kids are going to call him "Sandy".  How hilarious. 
Ryan took me to see Twilight today per my request- although, I've never read the books.  I was interested in seeing the show and what all of the buzz is about.  Why do all of the girls at work spend hours reading these books?  Now, I know.  Edward is a dream.  The movie definitely helped me appreciate my own husband and the way he treats me.  My life isn't a dream- it's a reality!  What a blessing I have!

Best Knight Ever!!!

OK. So we got to hang out with Jordan, Jonathan, and their friends on the Knight Tour Bus.  I never really pictured myself as an adoring fan, but after last night I just love Jordan and Jonathan.  They were so fun and different than I expected.  Jonathan wasn't shy or really quiet. They both have great senses of humor and we laughed quite a bit.  Jordan was just so cute and hilarious that I think I have a celebrity crush (did I just admit that?). I'm glad we got to meet them and know them.  
We also got to meet Joey when he came in to get some of the Pie and cookies.  He was friendly and admirable, but I felt a bit awkward asking to get a picture with him.  Bummer.
I hope if they come to Utah again I will be able to spend more time laughing with them.  I love their laugh.  By the way, the concert surprised me as well- it was so entertaining and full of fun energy.  I would definitely choose to go again.